A Christmas Gift for You

For the last two mornings I have awoken with words wanting desperately to be written. They came from my fingers as poems. I offer them to you as my Christmas gifts. They are given with love.

A Christmas Dream

I dream of a world of peace,
Where all would be fed each day.
Where all would be loved and accepted.
If only I could give the world peace.

The Bible says that Jesus refused,
To feed the entire world by himself.
He refused using the power of force,
To bring acceptance, peace, love.

Instead, he issued invitations
He spread his love and healing
One person at a time.

This is our calling.
This is my calling.
I can write stories
That speak of love and acceptance,
Trusting that
One by one
Readers will receive God’s invitation.

I can live love and acceptance.
I can let go of judgment.
I can forgive, and forgive, and forgive.
With God’s help, I can become
Peace, love, joy, hope in this world.
With God’s help, I can live God’s love.

The Perfect Gift

Christmas for me is joy.
It’s fun to shop
To search for the perfect gift
For children, grandchildren, friends.

Christmas gives me permission
Permission to be generous
A reason to share.

I want to bring sparkles
To loved one’s eyes
I want to reach out and touch
A friend’s, a family member’s
A stranger’s heart.

What is the perfect gift?
This year maybe a plaid shirt
Warm crazy socks
A cuddly shawl.

And yet I know,
That best of all
Is a gift of love.
Feelings offered in smiles
In hugs, in words.
These gifts fill our hearts,
Touch our souls.

When tough times come
As they always do
These gifts are there
Within our memories
Holding us close
Giving us strength.

When love comes in simple gestures
Or elaborate gifts,
The perfect gift is given.
The Christ child is born.
Christmas comes once again.

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