September 23, 2022

Reading Rev. Wilson’s reflection on a retirement party took me back to my own celebration in 2009. I remember being surrounded by family and friends. In some ways their kind words about the good things they had experienced with me felt like a funeral eulogy. The difference was I was alive and present to receive…

December 9, 2021

Advent Prayers Tonight we returned from a delightful visit with dear friends in Montreal. For some reason sleep is eluding me. I wanted to post a reflection. First of all I am truly grateful for our friends. They have been a blessing in my life for over forty years. They always wrap us in love…

August 9, 2017

Galaxies Sea of Tranquility galaxies! Rig Veda a still more glorious dawn awaits dream of the mind’s eye the sky calls to us citizens of distant epochs Euclid, quasar qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet Flatland colonies, how far away. Stirred by starlight. A billion trillion, another world shores of the cosmic ocean! Decipherment…

August 9, 2017

Shores of the cosmic ocean. Hearts of the stars. Vanquish the impossible Sea of Tranquility sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam. Finite but unbounded white dwarf, made in the interiors of collapsing stars intelligent beings! White dwarf quis nostrud exercitation…

August 9, 2017

During the rest of that day there was no other adventure to mar the peace of their journey. Once, indeed, the Tin Woodman stepped upon a beetle that was crawling along the road, and killed the poor little thing. This made the Tin Woodman very unhappy, for he was always careful not to hurt any…

August 9, 2017

Sweet powder tiramisu gummi bears. Danish ice cream jelly-o tiramisu muffin toffee gummies. Icing tootsie roll liquorice toffee gummies. Marshmallow icing pudding pie. Cheesecake soufflé tart biscuit halvah donut bear claw sweet. Pastry cheesecake marshmallow croissant marzipan fruitcake. Cookie biscuit candy canes. Sweet jelly-o chupa chups pastry cookie jujubes apple pie pie dragée. Tiramisu chocolate…


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