How Do I Share My Faith?

Games Are Fun

Last month, my granddaughter and I celebrated our birthdays together for the first time. For this one precious year, she is living in Canada, one hour from us. Her gift for me, chosen by her and offered with a huge smile of satisfaction, was a tiny angel made of polished rose stone.

This is the second time in her short twelve years of life she has given me a gift of faith. Christianity is not practiced in her home. Still, she has learned that I treasure my faith. For that I am truly grateful.

We want to offer the invitation of faith to our grandchildren. We would like them to experience the joy of being a Christian and belonging to a church family. 

As Christians we know that God loves everyone unconditionally. We want each and every child of to know in the depths of their hearts that he or she is God’s precious child, loved no matter what.

Each day, I remind myself that Jesus issued invitations.

We accomplish nothing when we moan about our loved one’s lack of faith, or rejection of God. Treating their thoughts with contempt drives them away.  Our role is to pray for wisdom, patience, and a focus on invitation.

When we push too hard, we get in God’s way.

The best invitation of faith we can give is to live our faith and celebrate the joy of being part of a church family. Beyond that, we give our precious loved ones to God. We can trust that God will care for them.


Let us all remember Jesus’ invitation, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (NIV)



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